
Since the company’s inception, the company has consistently participated in tenders and development opportunities. The company believes in commissioning projects under its fully owned subsidiaries by floating various SPVs (Special Purpose Vehicles). This is one of the ways the company ensures of its assets and liabilities not falling upon each other. This is also acts as a strong building block for Halo’s outlook

Projects under pipeline

  • Halo Energie will be the first company to execute a 20MW solar power project in the North-East India.
  • Halo will be pursuing its first international project in Africa where discussions have already started for setting up 40MW solar power project.
  • Halo is also developing a new vertical to the company by expanding its business into rooftop systems under a Solar- Wind Hybrid model.
  • Halo is also executing another project in Karnataka under the open access scheme to supply power to a software solutions company in Bangalore.
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